Aeroflot and Innodata made a joint report on the successful implementation of the Tarantool DBMS in the aviation giant

Аэрофлот и «Иннодата» выступили с совместным докладом об успешном внедрении СУБД Tarantool в авиагиганте
Press release
9 July 2019
Moscow, July 09, 2019 - Nikolay Shevtsov, project manager of Aeroflot’s Information Systems Department, and Rustam Kildiev, Innodata’s technical director, delivered a report at TarantoolConf, a major industry conference on the use of in-memory computing for the development of fault-tolerant high-load applications. The conference, which was dedicated to the Tarantool DBMS developed by Group, was held for the second time. The conference was attended by software developers and representatives of various business sectors.

Speakers from PJSC Aeroflot and Innodata were invited to present the successful case of Tarantool DBMS integration at Aeroflot. The speakers not only described the product implementation at the largest Russia’s airline and its impressive results, but also shared the technical details of the project.

The Tarantool solution was implemented at PJSC Aeroflot in 2017 to process data from the platform for handling customer requests, which is a complex of systems and a unified center of access to data of individual customers for providing personal services, registration, routing and processing requests.

The project of Tarantool implementation at Aeroflot has shown that the company is ready to participate in import substitution. Innodata and Aeroflot are planning to expand the use of Tarantool solutions in Aeroflot’s IT systems.